Monday, February 11, 2013

Importance of Developing the Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Skills of Learners

Everyone believes in the holistic development of every learner when the various domains are addressed in the curriculum. Present at least three evidences that researches have established in this regard. Use  EBSCO in finding the articles.   Share the specific findings of each research article in our blog for everyone to see. Write a brief synthesis for these findings. Copy and paste below your synthesis the APA citation for each of the articles you have downloaded. Happy reading and blogging! :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Understanding the Foundations of Curriculum Development

Why is there a need to understand the philosophical, psychological, and historical foundations of curriculum development? Discuss and provide a link of an article that will justify or support your ideas. Put the proper citation (APA) of your resources.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Highlighting the Hidden Curriculum

Among the types of curriculum being implemented in schools, why is there a need to equally give emphasis on the hidden curriculum? How will this prepare learners for the 21st century workplace? Support your discussions with research articles. Properly cite your sources within the text. Write your complete citation at the end of you discussion using APA format (see ).

Monday, November 26, 2012

Who is in Our CIT Community

Hello everyone! Please introduce yourself formally in our online community. State your name (as you wish to be called/addressed). Write your expectations in the course and also what you are willing to contribute to the   realization of your expectations. May this site help us to understand more about curriculum development through our discussions and links assigned for reading. Happy blogging!